Puppy chew toys can help relieve some of our fur babies’ teething pain. Also, these pet products remove plaque formations on our canine fur companions’ teeth and are proven to benefit older dogs’ dental health. At the same time, our puppies may engage in chewing bones or toys to get rid of their pent-up energy, kill boredom, or alleviate anxiety.
Chewing on raw bones may pose significant health risks to your four paws. For instance, a puppy gnawing on a beef/chicken/pork/rib bone can be highly susceptible to oral abrasions, gastrointestinal blockages, choking, or splintering accidents. In such a case, you will want to take your puppy to the vet immediately. Insurance for pets dogs can cover your furry little friend’s medical care during injuries, accidents, pet health emergencies, and more.
Pet insurance in NZ can help you manage unanticipated pet health situations with little financial stress. You can quickly check various pet plans available, then request and compare quotes online. Assess your puppy pal’s health status and affordability before signing up for the best-fit cover that can potentially help you lower your puppy’s annual health expenditure.
While you evaluate your medical financing options, read this article about the reliability of the so-called “healthy dog chews.”
Why do puppies develop chewing instincts?
Most pups living indoors give in to the chewing habit because they may be longing for physical and mental stimulation. Gnawing can keep your furry baby’s teeth, gums, and jaws clean and strong. This habit has some biological benefits too. Chewing triggers the production of digestive enzymes in the stomach and promotes digestion.
Plus, dog chews can be tasty. So, you can reward your puppy with them to reinforce good behavior. And, more than anything, your puppy may relish the act of chewing.
Are dog chew toys dangerous?
One drawback of your puppy constantly chewing on dog toys is they will potentially land with fractured teeth. Incessant nibbling on hard items may lead to broken teeth, whether it is in humans or pets. Ensure you don’t offer them plastic or rawhide chews, as they can cause gastrointestinal upsets when your puppy bites and swallows them in big chunks. The other potential drawback is the choking risk. Unfortunately it isn’t uncommon for a dog to break a chunk off with their teeth then choke on it.
What to do when puppies suffer teeth injuries due to dog chew toys?
Puppy dental issues like broken teeth can cause much pain and be expensive to fix. Dental insurance for pets can cover your furry baby’s teeth issues like abscesses, gingivitis, and tooth removal in cases like retained deciduous teeth, cavities, tooth fracture, and dental diseases due to infections. So, a pet insurance policy that covers specific dental complaints possibly helps you with the puppy’s hefty dental bills.
Are there any safer dog chew toy options?
Monitoring your puppy is essential even when they are biting healthy chew toys. For instance, you may pick flavored puppy chews, assorted chews comprising aorta, backstrap, tripe, tendons, trachea, bully sticks, animal parts that soften while chewing, etc.
Discuss with your vet the dog chews that suit your dog’s breed and size. Also, remember that every extra snack that gets inside your puppy’s body adds to the calories. Unchecked food/treat intake can lead to overweight, obesity, and associated health disorders. Check with your vet before making any purchases.
Pet insurance NZ helps you provide your puppy health care with little financial burden for covered health conditions. All you need to do is search insurance for pets dogs online to compare insurance policies and benefits before making a purchase.