Tea drinking is a ritual that spans back thousands of years ago. It belongs to ceremonial practices and medicinal purposes. But as time goes on, tea becomes part of a social event, a way to unwind, or a routine.
There are different kinds of tea present, but one of the most popular is black tea. It is known for being the second most consumed beverage worldwide. They come in different blends to give a diverse flavour and aroma.
Black tea comes from Camellia Sinensis, where green and white tea is derived. However, they differ from the way the leaves are processed.
Not only is it one of the best drinks for hot or cold weather, but it is also known for its many health benefits. When you add other organic ingredients to black tea to make it taste better, you also get more health benefits.
One of the most worth trying tea blends is The Green Samurai Raspberry Black Tea – 1000 mg, which we will discuss later. It contains blackberry leaf, rose petals, raspberry, black tea, and psilocybe mushroom.
Psilocybe is known for its hallucinogenic effects, but when taken in lower doses, it helps improve the user’s mood and concentration. So, think about the benefits of black tea coupled with magic mushrooms. The result would be phenomenal.
What is Black Tea?
Black tea proceeds through oxidation methods. Hence, turning the green leaves to a dark brown-black colour. The amount of oxidation process differs from the type of tea the manufacturer will produce.
It is the most potent tea produced due to the decent amount of caffeine present. However, it’s not as strong as coffee or energy drinks. In addition, it has a longer shelf life, so you can store your black tea for an extended period and not worry if it has expired.
You can enjoy them in many flavours. For example, there are herbal black teas or those with fruits and flowers like black tea with raspberry. Furthermore, you can heighten the taste by using milk or honey.
But besides its aroma and taste, you can enjoy such beverages for their health benefits. There is a lot of evidence to prove that drinking tea is beneficial. With these advantages, you would want to make yourself a cup of tea in no time.
Benefits of Drinking Black Tea
Black tea can offer loads of proven health advantages. However, they can also provide more when you use blends of tea. For example, a rose black tea can relieve anxiety and improve digestion, which comes with the help of rose petals.
Rich in Antioxidants
Antioxidants act by removing free radicals that can cause damage to the cells in our bodies. Hence, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
In addition, antioxidants like theaflavins and thearubigins can help reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity, and increased cholesterol. These antioxidants are excellent for the overall promotion of health.
Lowers Cholesterol Level
When LDL, the “bad” cholesterol, increases in our body, it can build up in arteries and form plaques. When this happens, it can cause heart problems or stroke.
However, there are ways to reduce cholesterol levels. Aside from having a proper diet and regular exercise, the consumption of herbs or tea can help decrease the LDL level.
Helps in Maintaining Healthy Heart
Flavonoids are antioxidants in black tea, vegetables, red wine, and fruits. They are responsible for lowering factors that can affect the heart: high blood pressure, increased cholesterol, and obesity.
A daily cup can have a significant reduction in lowering death from heart diseases and stroke. In addition, adding them to your diet can prevent future complications or risks.
Improved Digestion
The presence of polyphenols helps maintain healthy digestion by allowing the growth of good bacteria. Meanwhile, it suppresses the amount of harmful bacterial growth.
In addition, it helps repair the gut lining affected by harmful substances. But there are not many studies regarding this benefit. Maybe if black tea has another fruit or flower present that can help in digestive repair, that can work for this specific function.
Reduce the Risk of Increased Blood Sugar
Increased blood sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes, CVD, and obesity. But some food or organic ingredients can reduce blood sugar levels after a meal.
Studies have shown that consuming black tea (high or low) has significantly reduced postprandial glucose. It also impacts the level of insulin in the body.
Commercialized drinks contain lots of sugar. Even pre-made teas contain some amount of sugar. But, you can avoid this by purchasing unsweetened black tea.
Improves Focus
Caffeine and L-theanine are both present in black tea. They are responsible for increasing alertness and focus.
Individuals who claim that they feel better and can accomplish a task after drinking tea are due to the activity of L-theanine. The said compound increases the alpha wave in the brain to promote relaxation and focus.
Side Effects
Consuming black tea in moderation can allow users to enjoy the abovementioned benefits. However, like every substance, any excess intake can lead to some health problems.
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Irregular heartbeat
- Headache
- Increase urination
- Nervousness
- High blood pressure
- Interaction with other drugs
A single cup a day will suffice. You can enjoy the benefits without risking any side effects. However, consuming five cups a day is another story.
Black Tea and Magic Mushroom
You can purchase pure black tea without additives. However, if you want to experience something new, you can go for shroom drinks.
You can try psilocybe mushrooms in any form of beverages like tea, coffee, lemonade, etc. The magic mushroom available on the drink is lower than the usual psychedelic dose. Therefore, there is no change in perceptions. However, it is good to know that the effects of mushrooms depend on the person’s tolerance.
Black tea with magic mushrooms will only enhance the health benefits you will receive. Shrooms in small doses can improve mood, increase focus, concentration, and creativity, and reduce anxiety. So, you can improve your overall health with both of these ingredients.
The Green Samurai tea, a black raspberry tea, contains other organic ingredients like blackberry leaf, raspberry, and rose petals. These plants also offer other health benefits. Hence, this results in physical and mental health advantages.
In addition, Green Samurai is unsweetened. So, it’s a perfect option if you are watching your sugar intake or have diabetes. However, you still need to consult a professional for those taking other medications.
If you are interested in buying this product, you can visit Zoomies Canada. Their website contains different options from fresh mushrooms, edibles, shroom drinks, and more.
Black tea can come in different flavours and aromas. The wide selection for your tea can help you decide based on your taste preference or the health benefit you want to receive. One excellent blend you must try is the Black tea with shrooms. It will keep your energy boosted and your creativity overflowing.